Monday, December 23, 2019

Hey, Strong Human!

So, Mahatma said this...Allah knows, that i have tried my best to forgive while holding on my tears.

As a sensitive and moody person, i always protecting my heart from being hurt, so i quite much not like No Action, Talk Only people, i do not like people that talk too much but non sense or not have 'fill' in the sentences nor conversation then of course i am not doing much social activity in social life as social creature. But, to survive (stay alive), i should can do this, i should face those people. As human, we should can do adaptation with any environments and meet different people, but, do not forget, you have right to be happy, you have right to rest when you feel so tired and drained, just press pause button, then, absolutely, you have right to quit these activities (Rd. quit activities NOT your life, mind it!) then go to people that care with you, remember, there is always 1 person or creatures that love you, you are loved as always.

Friends, you and me are good person, truly, it because you get what you give, what goes around comes around, if you do good then good will come to you, it's the law of attraction, that's why we have a chance to meet and crossing our path, we have conversation even so little, we can know each other, am i right?, i love you just the way you are, that's okay for being the real you with me,...i know how you feel...this is our first time to be human, we had no experience before, so, it's normal if we make mistake, i know how it feels being anxiety, depression and stress, should handling so much problems in same time, then one time have no money nor energy, you may believe it or not, you may trust me or not, but that's the reasons, that's why...that's why, i don't want to adding it to your life...if i tell you about your mistake, it because i want you to have more beautiful life than me, i don't want to see you down or continue do that then totally...being a bad person. I understand, i can feel it too. So, please give up blaming yourself or others, all of only human, we are only human, we can't turn back time, but we can always solve it, improve it a new start, a new beginning, a new journey, right?. I want to always cheers on you, be good friend for you, so thank you for accepting me, still being my friends and stay, thank you for your existence in my life, i really appreciate and feel grateful.

Some of you will says; "not all people understand or accept our good intention, they might hate us, say rude thing to us, do cruel things to us...", i feel it (ever) happened to me too..i understand your thoughts, but, at least, if you did that, you can telling yourself that you are different from that person and you have did your best, that's enough, you did a good job, you did well...don't let cruel world make you be a bitter person, it's ok to keep distance from toxic people and environment, but, let's we do our best to spread love and kindness, let's be happy together, let's feel more alive and have peace of mind together...let's being good person, if you can't do that to stranger, at least for ourselves, families and friends together.

Conclusion :
All of us in only human, no matter what's your religion, your ethnic and who you are. We are, definitely, only human. There is a time that i couldn't accept you because i do not like your attitudes or words and there will be a time you couldn't accept me, because of my acts too. That's okay, we need time to heal, stay away or leave then give or ask apologize. It's a fact that we should face as a human, we are unique, everybody has different opinion, there will always be pro and contra, everyone has plus minus, but, that doesn't mean we should being hatred toward each other. Mind it, Peace of Mind is the main things, it will give positive vibe and energy to live this life, so, it will be a better place to make a better life as a better person to stop arguing and have silent if you are feeling so angry, feel so emotional, afterward, you may continue talk about it to find the solution together. Let's be happy! Cheer up!!!

So, have you feeling better? you may sharing your worry or story to me if you want.

Fix You
When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
When the tears come streaming down your face
'Cause you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
What could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
But high up above or down below
When you are too in love to let it show
Oh but if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Sincerely and Cheers,

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